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What is Building Better Bridges Inc. Cross Age Peer Mentorship Program


Building Better Bridges is a mentorship non profit organization geared towards helping At Risk students create better pathways to success. As we all know, there is an abundance of help that is needed in our communities with efforts to support boosting reading and comprehension levels. With this program, our future (Bridge Builders) will be able to assist in helping to create better pathways to success for other students.


Our Cross-age peer programs provide growth and learning opportunities for both mentors(Bridge Builders) and mentees, resulting in a “double impact”. We have found that our Mentees’ have a natural tendency to look up to slightly older youth which means that they view their mentor as a role model and someone worth listening to. Our (Bridge Builders) also benefit from interacting with each other in positive ways through the volunteer experience, building new relationships beyond their normal circle of friends.


What we accomplished: 

Held  at Rothschild leadership academy, a middle school located in Columbus Ga during the 2022-2023 school year.

Our program recorded a success rate of over 70% of students achieving at least one letter grade higher, Lexile score increased more than 50 points as well as less than 5% suspensions and disciplinary infractions.



 College resources and opportunities:


We offer an abundance of help with resources on how to apply for college, access to resources in regards to filling out FAFSA, Scholarship offers and working exclusively with our HBCU partners Fort Valley State University. We give community service hours for each hour that you record volunteering to be a (Bridge Builder). Although we have offered many benefits, the best one is being able to help change lives in your very own community.






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